Saturday, February 28

Proposal in Bloomie's shoe department! Chocolate and champagne!!

The newly engaged couple with sales associate Suzaune Pourshahriari / All photos courtesy of Bloomingdale's

According to Bloomingdale's press release, "...girlfriend, Stephanie Chow, selected a pair of Dior boots, which the sales associate went to the stockroom to retrieve. She brought out the boots to Stephanie as requested, with the ring tucked into the toe.

“Stephanie first put on the left boot (sans ring), then reached to unzip the other when she found the ring. George promptly got down on one knee and asked for her hand in marriage.

“There must have been 75 people around who watched and cheered when George jumped up and said loudly and proudly, ‘She said YES!’

“Bloomingdale’s staff ushered in champagne and chocolates for the newly engaged couple and their friends that were hiding nearby.

“When asked why the Bloomingdale’s shoe department was picked for the proposal, George replied, ‘It’s our favorite, favorite, favorite store, and she LOVES shoes!’”

Stephanie might not have loved the Dior boots because she got LAMB summer boots instead.


  1. Haha, love it. Think she got the shoes for free?

  2. Blog Goggles, I love it too! If Bloomie's threw in the shoes, that would be the icing on the cake!


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