Tuesday, June 30

This life of yours: sum up in ten words!

There's a lot in just a few words... :)

Soul Pancake posted a good question: what is your ten word biography?

My little draft for today:

Decided lover, ocean-goer, sister, aunt, writer, reader, good-chocolate-lover.

Okay, I couldn't get it under ten words this time! Maybe if I combined writer and reader into "intellectual" ? ;)

It's hard... what's yours for today?


  1. Gosh, this is tricky. Good conversation starter though.

  2. ooohhh...tough, let's see...

    Adoring-wife, obsessive-reader, striving-teacher, wine-drinker, vitamin-taker...hahaha! So random!

  3. This is wonderful, just shows how diverse and complex you (and I guess most of us) really are - you're the best!

  4. Thanks for commenting on my blog! I love blogging and connecting with people around the world. Keep up the great inspiring posts!!


  5. Oh my...just 10 words??? You're making me think...hmmm, I would say... A passionate, driven dreamer who believes all things are possible!

    There you go, have a lovely day my friend!


  6. Passionate emotional dreamer whom loves drinking wine. And some champagne.

    Thanks for dropping by Beach Vintage and leaving a comment. xx

  7. Dear Dear Miss Bliss -
    the part of this that caught my eye was "good-chocolate-lover" That's three of ten words ... so it has to be a BIG part of your life. I'm impressed.

    You may already have answered this on your blog posts in the past - but WHAT IS the best chocolate - in your opinion? Is some chocolate better for baking, some for just eating, some for drinking, some for garnishing, etc.? Please advise. Again - it's 3/10ths of your biography.

    Note: if you tell me that it's only found in some remote high-end shop in Switzerland or France or Germany... I will feel compelled to travel abroad and make the purchase.


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