Thursday, October 8

Pumpkin-liciousness and loving fall...

Yesterday Mr. Wonderful and I went off to Boca Raton to pick up a Craigslist purchase I had been eyeing: an adorable vanity.
Will post soon, promise. ;)

On our way back, we stopped in Ft. Lauderdale at a Farmer's Market, Brother's, on Stirling Road and 7. Almost missed it because it is a bit hard to spot, attached to some other place that is closed, but I am soo glad we stopped and found it.
Our refrigerator looks a lot like a farmer's market now. Profusion of pears, abundance of apples, melee of mushrooms, chock-full of cilantro and cucumbers, well, you get the idea.

The pumpkins outside were enormous!

For now, I am happily done with a day of teaching, and Mr. Wonderful is done with class and on to the UM Atmospheric Club! I am soooo excited for him; this is his second club meeting.

To come from where we started in Miami this time last fall to this year and its events is nothing short of exhilarating!

Did I say I was excited that he has an"Atmo" Club to enjoy??? Have I mentioned that the love of my life was so worth the wait?

Miss Bliss


  1. It must feel great to be able to look back on your journey through life and see how far you've come in just one short year. Good for you!

  2. I so wish we had room for a vanity. I would go all out girly with it! Congrats on a successful year. : )

  3. hi there! I love craigslist I have had such luck with it. can't wait to see your find :)


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